May 11, 2010

  • All Dogs Do Not Go To Heaven

    A friend of the family sent me this the other day:

    “Despite the premise of the 1980s animated film series, “All Dogs Go to Heaven,” many fundamental Christians believe that their pets have no souls. When the end of days finally arrives and Jesus returns to earth to gather up his saints, all of the believers’ beloved cats and dogs will be left behind to starve and face the apocalypse alone. So, what is a devoted pet owner and firm believer in the Rapture to do? Hire an official blasphemer and card-carrying atheist, who has been thoroughly vetted as a profane sinner with no chance of salvation according to Mark 3:29, of course! A company called Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA has gathered a motley crew of about 100 reprobates in 22 states, who are also animal lovers, and will rescue pets abandoned after the Rapture for a small, non-refundable fee of $110.

    Eternal Earth-Bound Pets is the brainchild of Bart Centre, 61, a retired resident of New Hampshire, who apparently became bored working part-time at the local Home Depot and decided to try something different. Why not make a buck off of the crazy Christian fundamentalists waiting for the Rapture to occur? Centre’s sales pitch, inscribed on t-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers and the like says it all: “The next best thing to pet salvation in a post rapture world.”

    “If you love your pets,” says Centre, “I can’t understand how you could not consider this.”

    The Eternal Earth-Bound Pets Web site explains the simple premise of its post-rapture services:

    “You’ve committed your life to Jesus. You know you’re saved. But when the Rapture comes what’s to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind. We are a group of dedicated animal lovers, and atheists. Each Eternal Earth-Bound Pet representative is a confirmed atheist, and as such will still be here on Earth after you’ve received your reward. Our network of animal activists are committed to step in when you step up to Jesus.”

    Centre assures potential clients that he screens all pet rescuers to make sure they are indeed atheists and have no plans “to meet the Lord in the air” when the second coming arrives.”  Read more…


    Man!  I wish I would have thought of that!  It’s a perfect example making money off of fundamental Christianity run amok!  As the website states:

    “Once you pay your fee of $110, the rapture pet rescue contract is good for 10 years. If the rapture doesn’t come by that time, too bad. What if blasphemous loved ones are left behind and are able to care for the pets — Will they receive a refund? No. How long will it take for the atheist pet rescuers to arrive? Fluffy and Rocky will be rescued, as soon as possible, considering there will be widespread destruction and chaos”:

    “Naturally, we must anticipate that there will be widespread chaos and confusion immediately following the Rapture that could impact travel times. Thus, we are targeting a maximum of between 18- 24 hours from realization of the Rapture, to animal rescue.”  Read more…

    Love it!  And seeing how the current “Rapture Index” of 173 is close to the all time high of 182, time’s a ticking.  As a card carrying atheist heathen, I’m glad to know that Chazz and I will face the rapture hand in paw.

    This is a great piece on fundamentalism…Christianity has its flaws but at least I’m able to criticize the current criminal pope without fear of a fatwa!

    UPDATE:  The creator and co-owner of the website  “Eternal Earth-Bound Pets” that I refer to here, just wrote me with the following comments regarding the article I quoted.  I had a discussion with some Facebook friends about whether the company has actually collected revenue for their services, and Mr. Centre has confirmed that fact.  A true Atheist American success story!


    Thank you for your discussion of my post rapture pet rescue business.

    Just to correct two small errors:

    1)  We do not have “a motley crew of about 100 reprobates” rescuers in 22 states.  At the time the article was written we hat 26 rescuers in 22 states, and one-hundred paying rapture believing clients.  As of this writing, we have added 3 additional rescuers and have just under 200 clients under contract for our post rapture pet rescue service.

     2)  As for being “motley” and/ or “reprobates,” actually all our rescuers are gainfully employed, have families, love pets, and have no criminal record per our criminal back ground checks.  All are financially solvent as confirmed by credit checks also conducted on all our rescuers.

    Yours in reason,

    Bart Centre

    creator / co-owner -  Eternal Earth-Bound Pets

    author-  The Atheist Camel Chronicles: Debate Themes and Arguments for the Non-Believer

    Speaking of heathens…I went to church yesterday!  No, it wasn’t to pay my respects to a cosmic Jewish zombie, and no I didn’t burst into flames upon entry.  I went for Tressa’s First Communion.  I was there to support her and her family who I love very much.  As I’ve stated in this space before, going to church does bring back some fond memories of the more ritualistic things I actually used to enjoy about Catholicism.  (I was never molested by a priest…guess I wasn’t cute enough.)  A few times yesterday, I found myself reciting rote responses from memory and my cousin leaned over and said “It never quite leaves you, does it?”  How true!  (Though I must admit, I felt a little queasy when they asked us to pray for the current Pedo Pusher Pope.  In my opinion that slimeball should rot in jail!)  At any rate, it was a beautiful day and Tressa looked so pretty!  She had a really great time, as the photos in the slideshow below should attest; and in the end that’s what’s most important!

    Sorry, couldn’t resist…WARNING, you won’t be able to un-see this!
    Would You Die For Your Faith?
    America’s # 1 in Bibles. #37 in Infant Mortality

Comments (30)

  • There’s a rapture index??  I did not know that.

  • @Roadlesstaken - I don’t think you need to worry Alex! :)

  • This is one of the few times I’m truly stunned.  I can’t figure out if this is a “wtf” moment or something odd. 

    Yeah, some of those rituals don’t leave you.  I don’t go to church anymore.  But I still remember some of the prayers during mass.

  • @ElusiveWords - It’s true!  Check out their website!  WTF indeed.  LOL

  • @Roadlesstaken - @ElusiveWords - Just added a new video worth watching if you haven’t seen it.

  • Dang! That guy is one smart fellow. hah. 

  • People go to any length to make a buck. Eye opener indeed!

  • i say the same thing -wtf.

    btw, carey, i asked my officemate to teach me rubics and i’m hooked. not good at perfecting it yet but i’m almost there. more practice.

  • Well Carey, I wonder how much support your niece would feel should she read your post?  Let’s not forget, my friend, that we are talking about beliefs – both you and I can offer excellent arguments both for and against the existence of God yet neither you nor I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt our beliefs – guess that’s why they call them beliefs.  My “Zombie” teacher taught me to love and respect all people regardless of who they are or what they believe – you might wanna give some consideration to that concept.  And yeah, there has been evil perpetrated on people by religious leaders of all stripes – supposedly in the name of God – but let’s not forget the evil that atheist leaders have also perpetrated on people in the name of eradicating the opium of the people.  The fact of the matter though is that most people – religious and secular alike – are good people, but alas, their stories don’t sell newspapers or keep people glued to the nightly news or talk shows.  I respect and care enough about you to take time to actually pray for you – not that you’ll “find God” or “be saved” – but that you will be blessed and protected always.  I don’t insult or mock your beliefs, please give me the same respect and consideration.  Peace, Al

  • @pukemeister - She’s a child, and she won’t ever read this. 
    Nor would I ever discuss it with her or any child.  I’m an adult, and I
    certainly don’t need or want any prayers.  It’s my blog and my
    opinion.  There are no excellent arguments for the existence of God. 
    Faith is not an argument.  If you take offense because I think the pope
    is a criminal, I’m sorry; but the evidence shows he is a reprehensible
    pig at the very least, complicit in the felony rape of children.
    @Renatojr3 - That’s awesome!  You should post a video.  Let me know if you need help!
    @ZSA_MD - I would love to know if anyone actually buys it!
    @Dezinerdreams - Indeed Vivek!

  • Carey,

    Thank you for your discussion of my post rapture pet rescue business.

    Just to correct two small errors: 

    1)  We do not have “a motley crew of about 100 reprobates” rescuers in 22 states.  At the time the article was written we hat 26 rescuers in 22 states, and one-hundred paying rapture believing clients.  As of this writing, we have added 3 additional rescuers and have just under 200 clients under contract for our post rapture pet rescue service.

    As for being “motley” and/ or “reprobates,” actually all our rescuers are gainfully employed, have families, love pets, and have no criminal record per our criminal back ground checks.  All are financially solvent as confirmed by credit checks also conducted on all our rescuers.

    Yours in reason,

    Bart Centre

    creator / co-owner –  Eteral Earth-Bound Pets

    author-  The Atheist Camel Chronicles: Debate Themes and Arguments for the Non-Believer

  • @BartCentre - Bart, thank you for replying, and congratulations on your successful business.  Thanks also for the clarifications you made.  Obviously, I was just quoting that article.  I will make mention of your reply now.  Thanks again.  –Carey

  • just because we missed out on that gravy train doesn’t mean we can’t come up with our own idea!  come on carey, we can do this.  it’s like taking candy from a baby, but in this case we’ll be taking ”cash from an imbicile”.  it”s a noble endeavor.  you in?”

  • Being worried what will happen to a beloved pet after you are gone – I
    get that. But entrusting your beloved pet into the care of a person you
    consider so bad to be left behind, when the rapture comes – Yeah
    right!!! A rapture-believer has to be really ignorant to buy that.
    seriously, on what kind of calculation is this business model based on anyway? If the people behind it really thought
    they’d have to actually go through with their service, then $110 for 10
    years just wouldn’t cut it. If the founder is an atheist, then he won’t
    believe in the coming of the rapture anyway and all what it comes down
    to is this: Taking advantage of ignorant people for own monetary gain.
    Inconsiderate and disrespectful? What an ass****!!!

  • @curtainsopen - Only if we could get one of those old time snake oil salesman traveling carts! 
    @David - I don’t know David…Some would argue that by definition, rapture believers are ignorant. And let’s face it, almost every informercial on late night television is doing a version of the same thing. Get rich quick, or lose weight easily…they’re all basically snake oil salesmen and they’ve been around forever. I’m sure the people who are ignorant enough to spend $110 on this also believe the claim; which in turn gives them peace of mind. It’s not an exorbitant amount of money for peace of mind I guess. And like you say, being worried about a beloved pet should something happen to its owner, is a perfectly natural emotion. The fact that the guy took the time to respond to my post to correct some minor points that demean his business, says to me that he’s not an ass. He knows the rapture will never happen, and he’s providing ignorant people with peace of mind while making a buck in the process. Is he a snake oil salesman? Absolutely. But that’s never been a crime; and many before him have sold far worse placebos.

  • I don’t even know the Rapture Index exists. Damn… how disturbing.

  • Goddamnit!!!! You are right…I keep missing the boat. There is another outfit that sells St. Sachs or some Patron Saint of Real Estate wooden statues that you bury beneath your For Sale Sign and the Catholics are buying them up like hotcakes. I need to get creative.

  • @x_Reckless_x - I guess it’s only disturbing if you actually believe in the rapture.  Otherwise it’s pretty funny! :)
    @tendollar4ways - LOL…true…though I know a few people who are trying to sell their houses now that would do a naked rain dance if they thought it would help!

  • @CareyGLY - Bahaha….No.1 – False Christs … damn these fake Messiahs…^*@#!!

  • Me & my Jewish husband are currently trying to find a small statue of Saint Joseph to bury in our yard so our house will finally sell!!!  It’s been on the market for about 40 days now and if I can bury a statue upside down, facing the house, near the for sale sign, I’m in!!!  I just want my damn house to sell.  That will only cost me about $7.95 & I think that’s quite the bargain.  My husband wants me to buy 2 for good measure!  But your post does give me hope, Carey!  If rapture happens real soon, it won’t matter if it sells or not!  Praise Jesus!!  

  • @pukemeister - Your response is really confusing.  I mean, let’s start off with defining “belief” since lack of belief isn’t necessarily belief as well.  We don’t “believe” that there is no god. Evidence hasn’t suggested that there should be a god.  It would be like saying do you “believe” that there are no unicorns?  I shouldn’t have a reason to believe in them in the first place.  So to say that your opinion that a god exists is on equal terms with mine that your god probably doesn’t exist is simply not true.  You say you can offer evidence, but that’s crap, because it’s impossible.

  • so sad and so messed up.  

  • @rudyhou - That’s one way of looking at it! :)

  • I’m certain there’s a lot more business opportunities associated with the Rapture:
    What if a Christian would just pay me to follow him/her around in case of Rapture? You know, to make sure everything goes okay throughout their transition into Heaven.
    By the way, 200 clients for that Rapture dogsitting company? Was it 26 representatives? Hmmm, how do you think the money is divided? Evenly? That’s an easy $1,000. Do you really think he has 26 representatives? Who trusts a non-Christian anyways? That one guy might have just made over $20,000.

  • @August - The pilot one had me rolling…can you imagine if that were true!?
    Guess it’s not too far fetched. I should write the guy back and ask him
    what it takes to be a representative. Does your dog get along with
    Christian dogs? Mine does!

  • But I believe all dogs (and cats and birds and guinea pigs…) go to heaven!

  • @Cultur3sh0x - That’s a relief…I won’t have to worry about anyone ripping you off for $110 then! :)

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