
  • Sarah Palin Charged With Accessory To Murder

    OK, admittedly a sensational headline…but I did dream it!  Let me explain.  Saturday, my “wife” Sabine flew into Los Angeles from El Salvador on a short layover before returning to Germany and eventually Africa.  We had a wonderful lobster lunch on the marina:

    Back to LAX for the long trip home…as shot from my sunroof

    And now for the reason you clicked this…the dream headline in the title.  Before I left for the airport to pick Sabine up, I posted the following on facebook:

    After 1 day, the post had nearly 60 comments, so it clearly struck a nerve with people.  The lone right wing gun advocate who commented however, was no match for my liberal friends.  After a while, I left the fray, and let the interwebs duke it out.  I devote plenty of space on this blog to my views on Sarah Palin as well as gun control.  My positions are well documented.  Regular readers may remember the eyewitness accounts that Sabine and her friends provided from the Virginia Tech shootings several years ago:

    I stand by my original statement on facebook above.  I even blogged about the lunacy of Sarah Palin’s use of gun crosshairs in my April Fool’s Day post last year.  While Sarah Palin is not directly culpable for the actions of a lone nutjob, her words do have meaning and she should be held accountable (if only to never be elected to public office).  She’s clearly backtracking, as evidenced by the removal of certain tweets and messages.  Meanwhile, bigoted teabaggers like Rush Limbaugh, are pulling out all the stops to direct attention away from themselves and their dangerous rhetoric.  Kudos to Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for having the balls to call out these cowards on their vitriol.

    Here’s the victim of this attack herself, Gabby Giffords, prophetically admonishing Sarah Palin on her evil actions and how they have consequences!

    Who’s next Sarah?

    As psychologist and neuroscientist Drew Weston said, “Saturday was not the first time Gabby Giffords — or countless other lawmakers, candidates, and elected officials, including President Obama — was confronted at a campaign rally or town hall meeting by gun-toting bullies [sic, Republicans], whose primary goal (at least until this weekend) was intimidation. That bringing a concealed weapon within that proximity to an elected official could be legal in the world’s longest-lasting democracy is both surreal and shameful — and now it threatens that democracy.

    In my opinion, Keith Olbermann summed it up best:

    Here’s a smattering of the nearly 60 comments from my facebook page.  They speak for themselves:

    In the Daily Beast today, Howard Kurtz says “Don’t Blame Sarah Palin“, but as John Cory points out:

    “Mr. Kurtz is wrong.  The killer is not “a lone nutjob.” He is one of us, clothed and fed on perpetual war and the dialog of destruction.

    We have become a nation of, by and for perpetual war. Perpetual war is our addiction and our language, and as Kurtz so chillingly admits – war is the metaphor of politics and business and daily discourse.

    But I tell you that a nation of perpetual war and constant fear eventually succumbs to self-hatred and self-loathing. It becomes consumed by the value of extremism in the maintenance of empty empire through the deceit of language. A nation of perpetual war numbs itself to violence by constant repetition of the rhetoric of death and mayhem and the slogans of militarism. A nation of perpetual war does not value human life – but rather the hollow rhetoric about human life.

    Mr. Kurtz and others would have us avert our eyes and avoid looking into the mirror and facing the reflection of our words and deeds.

    I can only imagine what Mr. Kurtz and others would have written had the shooter been named Mohammed Abdullah.

    Christina Taylor Greene was 9 years old. She was born on a day of death and madness, September 11, 2001, and she died on a day of death and madness. She is, in the flippant jargon of perpetual war – collateral damage.

    Words have power.

    Yesterday, 20 human beings were shot and 6 human beings were killed.”

  • They Had a Dream

    I have mixed emotions about the events of this past weekend.  As most people know by now, the draconian ban on homosexuality in the United States military has been repealed.  Tomorrow President Obama will sign the repeal, paving the way for the inevitable Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8 and gay marriage finally becoming the law of the land.  That’s all great news.  But on Saturday, as my friends and I stood in line at a movie theater and heard the buzz of cell phones and twitter feeds announcing the DADT repeal, I actually felt guilty about another far reaching piece of legislation that didn’t pass.  The DREAM Act “would have created a path to citizenship for certain young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, completed two years of college or military service and met other requirements, including passing a criminal background check.”  “Two Dreams, One Dead“, as Time magazine opined.  That dream is dead, at least for now.  But I for one am glad to know people like David Cho, whose tireless efforts on behalf of the DREAM Act have raised awareness worldwide, and caused him to be named one of the Top Ten Game Changers in education today (along with heavyweights like Michelle Rhee and Jill Biden)!  People like David Cho are the leaders of tomorrow.  Just watch:

    He is American in every way, but on paper.  The arguments against the DREAM Act are nothing but shameful propaganda spread by ignorant neophytes like Sarah Palin.  I urge every American to educate themselves about this important legislation.  David can take solace in Dan Choi’s struggle to repeal DADT.  Don’t be disillusioned by this temporary setback. 

    The DREAM Act is the right thing to do!  I’m glad there are people like David Cho and Dan Choi who fight tirelessly for what’s right, to make this country a better place for all of us.  Keep up the good fight gentlemen!

    David Cho and others speak eloquently on Talk of the Nation, despite the host’s rudeness at times and the ignorance of some of the callers.

    Lt. Dan Choi, an American hero and an eloquent voice in this struggle, and I at at Prop 8 rally

    Dinner with David is always a treat. He’s such a bright light in this world. I can’t say enough about this guy!

    Hanging out in MacArthur Park and having Korean food with David

    In other news, my friend Sabine made her 5th trip to The Hotel Careyfornia in the past year.  Eva joined us and we had a pre New Year’s GLY reunion.  Luci & Mateus are also here from Brazil and Tim flew in from Switzerland.  I’ve lost track of how many trips to the airport I’ve taken in the past 72 hours.  Lots of fun and very little sleep.  Ho Ho Ho!  Here are the week’s photos:

    Bine’s welcoming party and the first of many trips to the airport this weekend!

    Sushi on a rainy night in LA

    Platinum Guests of The Hotel Careyfornia

    Breakfast at The Griddle

    Claudio, Eva & BineMore photos here…

    Claudio sneering at LAX before heading to Brazil

    Bine and Eva proclaiming “The King’s Speech” the best movie of the year so far!

    Even Spiderman tried to get out of the rain on Hollywood Blvd.

    Christmas ice skating at the SpectrumMore photos here…

  • A Crude Comparison

    Really Sarah???

    Exactly 20 years ago, one of my favorite bands Midnight Oil; played a half hour concert in front of the Exxon building in New York City:

    “Performing on a flatbed truck beneath a banner declaring “Midnight Oil makes you dance, Exxon oil makes us sick,” the ever-politicized Australian band delivered an inspired set protesting the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  You can watch the entire 30-minute performance, along with interview footage, here.”  For those who may not remember, the Exxon Valdez dumped some 11 million gallons of oil in six hours, just a few miles from the Alaskan shore. (Had Sarah Palin been there, she would no doubt have seen Russia reflected off its shiny black surface.)  While other causes were initially blamed, the Valdez disaster was primarily caused by Exxon’s cost-cutting negligence in regard to the ship’s radar. Already downgraded in the ’80s, it had eventually broken down entirely, and the company decided to save money by not fixing it.  Fast-forward two decades to the current Gulf oil spill, which had executives from BP, Transocean and Halliburton shifting the blame back and forth during this month’s Senate hearings.  Ironically, Dick Cheney’s Halliburton is intimately involved in both the current spill and our two current wars. Something worth remembering this Memorial Day.  “We’re a small screaming voice,” says Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett toward the documentary’s end. “But we’ll keep speaking. If they don’t listen now, someone will be listening tomorrow.”  We can only hope.”  Source: CS Independent.

    Who’s going to save us?

    And 40 years ago, the oil spill that spawned the modern environment movement, happened right here on the coast of Santa Barbara, where we visited this weekend.  As reported by the Sydney Morning Herald:

    For it was another undersea oil well that 40 years ago spawned the modern day, highly effective environmental movement on the US West Coast and the core of US government environment protection policy.  Compared with the volume of oil spewing into the Gulf every day, what happened five miles off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, in January 1969, was minuscule. But its aftermath was vast.  An explosion of natural gas at Platform Alpha, operated by the Union Oil company, caused a blowout – releasing an undersea oil gusher. It would be 11 days before the blowout was brought under control. About 3 million gallons of oil escaped, much of into the pristine and ecologically diverse Santa Barbara channel waters, coating the nearby shoreline.

    The damage was enormous. About 4000 dead sea birds and large numbers of seals and dolphins fatally poisoned. The oil also killed innumerable fish and ruined kelp beds.  But then something unexpected happened; tens of thousands of people arrived to help with the clean-up. They laid out mountains of straw to soak up the oil, carted away tonnes of contaminated sand and gathered up the dead and injured wildlife. They were of all ages and affiliations, causing then president Richard Nixon to remark: “The Santa Barbara incident has frankly touched the conscience of the American people.”  The Santa Barbara spill fully awakened the West Coast environmental movement and led directly to the declaration of the first Earth Day in November, 1969, the founding of the US Environmental Defence Centre and the first university Environmental Studies Program. Offshore drilling was banned for the next 16 years – until the Reagan administration came to office.  Read more…

    It took Santa Barbara decades to recover.  We may not be so lucky this time…and poor BP, just wants their old life back!  Suffice it to say if Sarah Palin ever becomes president, the number of disasters like this would increase ten fold.  Speaking of Santa Barbara, here are my photos from this weekend.


    Best of the rest…

    I also almost bought an iPad this weekend, but I decided to wait until they could do this:

    I also took Chazz on a photoshoot recently, to showcase the beautiful flowers California constantly has blooming.  Enjoy the show: 

  • Look Ma, No Photoshop!

    We had a great weekend in the San Francisco Bay area.  Bassam, Bine and I drove up Friday, and arrived at Tom & Cathy’s oceanfront home just as the party was getting started.  Youenn flew in from Boston and Mariana graced us with her presence all weekend.  Risa & Luis invited us to a most amazing brunch in the Castro on Sunday; and with our stomachs full and our hearts happy, Bassam and I drove back to Santa Barbara.  Bine flew back to Germany last night, but she’ll be back in LA in May.  It was a whirlwind 9 days with little sleep, but our GLY Gang had a great reunion, as the photos will attest.  Speaking of photos, have you seen the new “Content Aware” feature of the new Photoshop?  Watch the video on the left first, and prepare to be amazed.  The video on the right takes it to a whole other level.  I actually don’t use or know how to use Photoshop.  If I did, I would probably never leave the computer.  I use Picasa to edit my photos.  I typically crop them and remove the red eyes.  Sometimes I’ll saturate them, but lately since I got my new camera, I haven’t had to.  I do sometimes use the graduated tint filter if the sky is too bright, and I will occasionally warmify flesh tones.  That’s about the extent of my editing capabilities.  Nothing like this:

    Photoshop’s new “Content Aware” and “Clean my room and make me a sandwich” features

    Saturday morning, Patrick and I had a treasure hunt.  Take a look at the video:

    Click play to watch Patrick find oceanside treasures

    Here are a few of the weekend photos.  I’ll be in New York later this week and may have some exciting news on Thursday.  Keep your fingers crossed  for me and stay tuned!

    Another beautiful sunset from Tom & Cathy’s back yard

    Playing a new form of tag with Patrick

    Body by Patrick

    Self portrait at 2 AM in the back yard

    4 hours later, we were up

    And breakfast was served

    Mariana playing with the kids

    Seaside rock collecting


    Sun roof photo while heading to brunch in San Francisco, approaching Dolores Park

    The brunch menu included:  Jalapeno Avocado Soup, Torta Rustica, Shrimp Etouffe, Arroz con Pollo, Pan Perdue & Strawberry Rhubarb Tart!

    The Mission in Santa Barbara

    Photo fun with Patrick.  Click for more…

    Best of the rest…

  • This is What Change Looks Like

    “Tonight, we answered the call of history as so many generations of Americans have before us. When faced with crisis, we did not shrink from our challenge — we overcame it. We did not avoid our responsibility — we embraced it. We did not fear our future — we shaped it.” President Barack Obama

    We got home from Santa Barbara last night just as the President was finishing his remarks.  Though the debate rages on via my Facebook page (thanks to both the Davids); real reform is on its way.  After this vile display last week, it’s pretty clear that the Republicans and the racist teabaggers really thought this was all about welfare:

    Sunset in Santa Barbara last night

    Anyway, we had a great weekend with very little sleep.  Bine and Lindsay arrived Friday night along with Carolina, Eva, Vonda, Nate, Bianca and Julia.   We had 9 people sleeping in my little condo, so it was similar to this.  Saturday we went to Claudio & Ryan’s for a Brazilian barbecue.  Sunday we spent a hazy day at the beach in Santa Barbara before dropping Marcelo off at the airport.  Two hours later, I got a text that there had been a small plane crash in Santa Barbara, and Marcelo was being shuttled to LAX.  So off to the airport again I went, and we had him for another night!  Everyone woke up at 5 this morning, and we were on our way back to the airport at 5:30 AM.  Next weekend, Bassam, Bine and I will head up to Tom & Cathy’s in San Francisco to see little Patrick and Youenn (who I haven’t seen since we traversed the Alps last summer!) and Mariana.  Should be another great weekend!  Here are this past weekend’s photos:

    Who knew Chazz was part giraffe and part Scooby Doo?

    The gang at LAX and The Hotel Careyfornia

    No caption needed!

    Lindsay & Chazz

    Ryan & Chazz

    Good food, good friends

    Bassam finally showed up!

    Up on the roof

    Eva’s neighbor’s front yard in Santa Barbara

    Chazz & Riley the herbivore

    The haze cleared when we went to campus

    One last supper

    Before heading back to Los Angeles

    Best of the rest…

  • All GLY Things Must Come to an End

    Sabine (a founding member of the GLY Gang), left for Germany today by way of Boston (to visit Youenn).  It  was so nice having her here these last two weeks.  I miss her already.  (She just called to tell me that she saw Lauren Bacall in the airport after I dropped her off; who was in LA over the weekend to receive an honorary Oscar.  It was Bine’s first star sighting this trip and a fitting end to two weeks in LaLa Land!)  The past couple of   days have been jam packed with fun.  On Monday, we went to see the movie “Precious“.  Though I thought most of the performances were quite good; the movie left me rather disturbed.  Sadly, I fear that the situations portrayed in the film are not all that uncommon.  It’s worth seeing, but it’s definitely not the feel good movie of the year!  Last night we went to The Jay Leno Show.  Tyra Banks was supposed to be there, but she got stuck in NYC, so Kevin Nealon was the guest.  Bine and I got separated while  being seated, but I managed to smuggle my camera in and take a couple of shots before a mean security guard confiscated it.  He told me I had to delete the pictures, but I had already removed the memory card and discreetly slipped it in my pocket.  I told him the camera was “out of film”.  He pondered that for a minute while looking at the camera and realized I was fucking with him.  LOL.  Then I told him I was just using the camera for the telephoto lens!  I’m sure he didn’t buy that story, but there was no way I was giving him my memory card!  He finally got tired of arguing with me and walked away defeated.  During the commercial break, Sabine got to sing with Jay’s band.  The problem was, she didn’t know the words to Stevie Wonder’s, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered“!  After the show, we headed to the Los Angeles Film School for a special free screening of the movie “In The Loop“.  It was fantastic!!  The best way to describe it would be “as if Jane Austen and Monty Python collaborated on an episode of “The West Wing”.  It’s probably the funniest movie I saw all year.  Afterward, we sat in on a panel with the director and some of the cast.  What a great night! 

    Sabine’s 15 seconds of fame on Jay Leno last night!

    LaLa Land

    Jay came out to warm up the crowd before the show began

    The monologue

    Interviewing Kevin Nealon

    Outside NBC studios in Burbank

    After her failed signing performance

    Bye Jay!

    On the roof of the LA Film School

    A star in her city

    The director and cast of “In the Loop”.  From L to R, Armando Iannucci, Mimi Kennedy (Dharma’s Mom) and Peter Capaldi.

    Hooray for Hollywood!

    Sad to leave The Hotel Careyfornia, but she’ll be back next May!

    Update:  Thanks to all of you who wrote me about the Chocolate Lab, “D”, who we found over the weekend, and became Chazz’s best friend. 
    The owner replied to the Craigslist ad, and I got these texts from Claudio & Ryan last night:

    Even though, Chazz was sad to see her go, I’m glad the owner got her dog back. I can’t imagine losing a dog!  It turns out she was 2 years old and hadn’t been spayed.  I wonder if she’ll have puppies now??

  • Swimming With Dolphins and A Shark Attack!

    What a weekend!  Too bad it had to end, because today the Sarah Palin media blitz began. 
    I’ll get to that waste  of brain matter in a minute, but here’s a quick recap of the weekend:

    • Drove up to Santa Barbara…managed to avoid a speeding ticket despite a few close calls.
    • Eva, Bine & I hung out with Rob & August all day Saturday; enjoying:
    • I caught a cold Saturday night as the temperature in Eva’s house was about 20° cooler than I keep The Hotel Careyfornia.
    • Claudio & Ryan found a Chocolate Lab on the street in Oxnard Saturday.  She and Chazz became best of friends.  We’re calling her “D” (for dog) for now, and searching for the owner, but it’s been 2 days.  Story developing…
    • Claudio & Ryan drove up to Santa Barbara with aforementioned new dog and Chazz, and we had dinner on the beach to yet another breathtaking sunset
    • Drove home and have been drinking lots of hot liquids.
    • Tonight, Bine & I are going to go see the movie Precious.
    • Tomorrow Carolina is coming for lunch and then Bine & I are going to The Jay Leno Show(we were supposed to go last week, but changed the tickets).  Tyra Banks will be the guest.

    Here are my favorite photos from the past 2 days:

    That’s Bine, swimming towards the dolphins…she eventually caught up with them…and loved it!

    Gross, but pretty cool, huh?  They said it was from a Great White, but Joelle said that the bite looked small for a Great White and why didn’t it eat the whole thing??

    A crowd gathered around the departed seal

    Father & Daughter (with bird hat)

    Rob congratulating Bine after she swam with the dolphins

    The winning shot??  Nope!

    The full size photo is even more vivid

    Bine was freezing as she was still wet from swimming with dolphins

    Best friends

    August brought the Filipino pork from Carson and Rob grilled it up perfectly!

    Bine, Eva, Rob, August, Thine & Puneeth

    I woke up Sunday with a bad cold

    I love the back turtle’s legs

    State Street, Santa Barbara, CA

    Sunny Breakfast

    In front of the courthouse…and a Tibetan Terrier

    Real trials are still held in this room…but Rob & August are innocent

    The hills of Santa Barbara and the infamous Tea Fire

    August, Riley & Me

    Who’s a good dog?

    Our “new” Chocolate Lab, “D” with Ryan & Chazz

    A great end to a great weekend

    The beautiful Santa Barbara seafront

    Click here for the best of the rest…

      Palin Roundup

    “Prepare for the latest Palin media onslaught. An hour with Oprah, a multi-parter with Barbara, and appearances all across the country. An initial read shows Going Rogue doesn’t reveal much. No surprise there. This isn’t about the book, it’s about the book tour — which includes a politically convenient stop in Iowa — and the money. Besides, it’s not like there’s much we haven’t already learned about Palin since she burst onto the national scene. We even know when her water broke during her last pregnancy. Talk about overexposed. In the end, I expect this will be one of the most mocked books of the year — and one of the biggest bestsellers. Palin fans will find much to love, but I doubt a single doubter will be converted. It’s a 400 page Rorschach test. With no index.”

  • My Big Fake Italian Wedding

    Regular readers of this space know my friend Sabine, or Bine for short.  You know about her resilience, her charm and her joie de vivre.  You might also remember what a tough time she had two years ago when she attended Virginia Tech during the shootings.  You know that her inimitable style and always positive attitude have gotten her, and indeed our entire group of friends, through the best and the worst of times.  She is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise polluted world.  She approaches everything she does with passion and fervor, and is the glue that bonds our international family of friends together. 

    What you may not know however, is that she is my wife!  Yes, it’s true.  I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating.  We were “married” in a small civil ceremony in Florence, Italy on August 19, 2000.  The ceremony was officiated by the great great grandniece of the Red Baron.  Her name was Baroness Andrea Von Richthofen (no kidding!).  Mick was the maid of honor, Miggl the best man and Eva the flower girl.  Now, some background:

    I met Sabine at Marcelo’s house in Piracicaba Brazil in 1997.  That Christmas many people had converged on Marcelo’s family home; both friends of Marcelo (like me) and friends of his sister Adriana.  Many of us did not know each other, but we all soon became great friends, and began our tradition of traveling together for New Year’s each year.  I was “homeless” at the time, traveling the world with my job, all expenses paid.  One day, we were all sitting by the pool in the backyard eating mangoes, and I was telling this assembled group of new friends my life story.  At the end, Sabine said, “Honey, I should marry you.  What a great life you have!”  To which I responded, “Honey, the only way I would ever marry you, is if we were in Florence Italy, at San Miniato at sunset, overlooking the Ponte Vecchio!”  We all laughed.

    Well, as luck would have it, three years later we all found ourselves in Florence, Italy at San Miniato at sunset, overlooking the Ponte Vecchio.  Our friends had bought some truly rinky dink rings on that same famous bridge earlier that day, and as the sun sank into the Tuscan sky, we said our “vows“.  They even made a marriage certificate which you can see reproduced above.

    For more wedding photos, click here.

    LOL, so there you have it.  The story of my phony wedding in Italy.  Just this past summer, as you may remember, Sabine, the two timing tramp, got married to Alan.  In all honesty though, I can’t say that I’ve been entirely faithful in this marriage, LOL.  So in July I traveled back to Italy where we celebrated her “real wedding” for a week in a beautiful Tuscan villa.  Last night, Sabine arrived for a 2 week stay at The Hotel Careyfornia.  Eva and I picked her up at the airport.  Today our friends Heather & Brian arrived with their two adorable kids.  Tomorrow we’ll head up to Claudio & Ryan’s for a barbecue.  We’ll also spend some time up in Santa Barbara with Bassam.  More pictures to follow, but here are a  few from so far this weekend:

    Welcome back to The Hotel Careyfornia Sabine!

    We headed to one of our favorite Thai restaurants to see Thai Elvis

    Click here for the best of the rest…

    I was sad to learn that both of the shooters from the recent tragedies yesterday and today, went to Virginia Tech.  The last time Bine was here, it was because of another tragedy, at Virginia Tech; one she witnessed first hand (as the above accounts detail).  Virginia has some of the most lenient gun laws in the country.  Let’s hope President Obama is successful in passing stricter gun control.  Anyone who thinks the “right to bear arms” should include assault weapons is truly ignorant.

  • I Need a Vacation!!

    Well, 24 hours after leaving Mick’s place in Munich yesterday morning, I’m finally back in Los Angeles after many delays.  The flight home was even worse than the flight to Rome two weeks ago (not for the guy who had the heart attack on the plane though).  My last full day in Germany started early on the train from Altenbuch to MunichSabine’s 2 husbands (Alan & I), rode with her to the Landshut station where we said our goodbyes:

    Mick & Miggl met us at the train station in Munich and we had a quick lunch before Alan had to catch his train to Switzerland.  After that, Kurt met us at a coffee shop by the Isar and we hung out with two cute kids, Helena & Julius:

    Comparing retro shoes with Mick

    Then we biked home and Matthias came and picked me up for dinner.  Beate cooked a delicious Thai meal, as good as any I ever had in Thailand!!

    Saying goodbye to Kurt

    Was it MURDER???

    Mick & Miggl’s balcony…one of the reasons for their 5 star accreditation and entry in the Fornia family of fine boutique hotels!

    Master chef Beate cooked a great last supper to end my trip!

    In the morning, I walked to the train station and headed to the airport, where the outdoor beer garden was already busy.

    I had some time to kill in Chicago as everything was delayed, so I relaxed and enjoyed seeing the artwork for the city’s bid to host the 2016 Olympics.  Good luck!


    All in all it was a great trip.  I visited old friends and made many new ones.  I relaxed by the sea and traversed the Alps.  Another memorable GLY gathering.  Special thanks to Bine for organizing everything and to Massi for letting us stay in his beautiful Tuscan villa.  I’ve got a bunch of videos that I’ll have to compile and post later.  Ciao Bello!

  • Bavarian Bretzels & Bumblebees

    I’ve been coming to Germany many years to visit friends in the GLY gang, but I haven’t been back in 3 years since the World Cup.  Munich is such a great city.  The days here always start with a trip to the bakery for Bavarian Bretzels, which I favor with Nutella:

    No trip to Latin Bavaria would be complete without a visit to Mick’s childhood home where her parents ran a successful bakery for years.  I even learned how to bake bretzen in that very bakery back in 2000!


    Traditional photos with Mick’s Mom over the years…with the red hood my friends gave me as a gag gift because my ears are always cold!

    Mick’s parents always prepare a delicious treat for us!

    Mick’s parent’s lovely garden

    I picked some flowers for Bine’s Oma (grandmother).

    Another mandatory stop for me in Bavaria is the home of Sabine’s aunt and her 90 year old grandmother.  She always has hand knitted socks ready for us:

    One of the best surprises of this trip was getting to see little Patrick.  I haven’t seen him since January in San Francisco, and his language skills have exploded in the past six months.  I can now hold full conversations with him.  We had so much fun while the adults visited with each other!

    Then we went into town for dinner.  When we came back at 11 PM, Patrick was still awake!  The poor little guy had jet lag and didn’t get to sleep until 4 AM like me!

    Wide awake at 11 PM!

    Best of the rest…