
  • The Busy Season

    It’s been a busy few weeks at The Hotel Careyfornia. Lots of visitors…lots of great meals and very little sleep. If you’re thinking of visiting Southern California, make your reservations soon; as we’re getting quite full for the summer, LOL! I’m getting great use out of my new camera. Here are some shots from the past two weeks:

    B & L brought the kids up to Hollywood and we had a blast! Click here for more photos

    The next weekend, B & L had us over for an oceanfront barbecue in Santa Barbara. Click here for more photos

    Beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. Click here for more photos

    The kids had a great Easter! Click here for more photos

    Jennifer cooked a great Easter dinner! Click here for more photos

    Hugo arrived from NYC last Wednesday and between that and the Royal Wedding, I haven’t slept since then! Click here for more photos

    Of course Claudio hosted a Brazilian barbecue! Click here for more photos

    Hooray for Hugowood! Click here for more photos

    More satisfied guests! Click here for more photos

    My neighbor’s new puppy…she’s a Chiweenie (Dachshund and Chihuahua mix!)

    I managed to squeeze in dinner with Owen last week. Click here for more photos

    Our traditional Thursday family dinner. Click here for more photos

    No, I WILL NOT fix your computer! LOL Click above for video

    We were driving home from the Hollywood Sign last night when the Twitterverse exploded with the news.
    I was with these guys on 9/11 and the year after in NYC. We all watched the President’s speech together last night.
    Now THAT’S what I call “mission accomplished” GW!

  • A Junk Free Touching Christmas

    While much of America digs out from record snowfall from a storm that originated as 6 days of rare rain here in California; we ended up having a pretty beautiful Christmas Day.  I am very glad that I did not fly anywhere for the holidays.  The rain we had most of last week was complete with mudslides, hail and the now obligatory double rainbow.  The week of crazy weather didn’t phase Santa however, and the kids in our family (including me) had a wonderful Christmas.  It was certainly better than last Christmas, when 2 of us ended up in the emergency room and 9 of us came down with the stomach flu!  Here are some images and videos from the week, including my favorite Christmas present:

    If you’d like to know the story behind this, click here!  Thanks Lisa & Joel!

    What does it mean??

    December 22 was a crazy weather day!  More photos here.

    Video of the rainbow from my roof

    T’was the Night Before Christmas…

    Andy, excited for Santa’s arrivalMuch more so than last Christmas:

    What a difference a year makes!!

    It was a very dino Christmas as Andy opened his stocking Christmas morning

    I rest my case!

    My how they’re growing!  Look at them just two years ago!

    Tressa, Cody & Andy

    An epic family Christmas picture!

    A dinosaur snuggie!

    Lisa loved her presents from her boys!

    My gift to Andy was a hit, despite its questionable packaging!

    We missed Grandma this year!

    Even Sadie & Roxy were in the Christmas spirit!

    Best of the rest…click here
    Happy New Year!

  • Sorry for the Woody in my Pants Officer!

    To explain how the week ended with me in the back of a police car, we have to back up to the beginning.  It was another busy week at The Hotel Careyfornia.  Mike was in town on yet another stop on his trip around the world.  Darlene came home from her summer in Michigan with fresh pasties.  I took Arielle to the pumpkin patch, which has become somewhat of a tradition.  The night before Halloween was spent at Griffith Park Observatory with Sam & Charlotte.  It was an unusually clear day in Los Angeles and as the sun set into the Pacific, Halloween was upon us.  As I wondered  how I could top my outfit 2 years ago, when Sarah Palin was running for vice president and I was a moose in a bulletproof vest; and last year, when I was Balloon Boy’s dad, taking pictures with all the cute Balloon Boys; it struck me.  This year I would take the conservative route, and dress as a nice, Midwestern, pedophile priest!  It was a lot of fun.  Surprisingly, no one was offended by my costume.  Even the (real) cops asked to take my picture.  The best costume of the night for me was the BP Oil Spill.  There were lots of Chilean miners and Snookies and of course standard Lady GaGa fare.  Let the fun begin:

    I had never been in the back of a police car before…it was REALLY uncomfortable!

    Bless me father for I have sinned!

    No trick or treating, but there was plenty of eye candy…tricks and treats!

    I got to hang out with a lot of other priests, nuns and popes…even  Jesus and the devil!

    Even the kids graced Santa Monica Blvd with 150,000 other revelers.

    The dogs got in on the act too!

    Jad and I even had a Xanga meetup!

    Best of the rest…

    A cousinly Halloween

    Welcome Home Darlene!  More here…

    Mr. Bone’s with Arielle – the Pumpkin Patch to the starsMore here…

    A gorgeous night at Griffith Park.  More here…

    Mike enjoyed his stay at The H.C.  More here…

  • Animals Make Us Human

    It was nice to see the HBO film, “Temple Grandin” starring Claire Danes, take home so many Emmy Awards last night. 


    For those of you unfamiliar with Ms. Grandin’s work, I highly recommend the movie, which is available on HBO On Demand in the U.S.  There are also several clips on YouTube.  I’ve been a fan of Temple Grandin for quite some time.  Her insights into autism are truly ground breaking.  I also encourage anyone with an autistic relative to take the time (3 hours) to watch her fascinating C-Span interview: 

    The first book I ever read by Temple Grandin was called “Animals in Translation“. 

    I’d love to read it again, but unfortunately when Chazz was six months old, he destroyed it, along with another book entitled “The Moral Animal“.  Apparently Chazz does not agree with the Academy when it comes to Temple Grandin!

    The first time I ever left him alone, this is what I came home to.  See how guilty he looks?

    He chose his books very carefully!

    He focused in particular on a chapter entitled “Animal Feelings”

    He knew he was in big trouble…he “felt” it!

    And ripped out the page on “Animal Aggression”  I kid you not!

    Another great book by Temple Grandin is called “Animals Make Us Human“.  In it, she:

    …brings us together with our dogs by making us understand that in essence dogs feel the same things that we as humans do. Grandin is a person with autism and acutely understands how dogs make us human. She tells us that dogs share the same basic emotions that we as humans do. They feel joy, sorrow, fear, happiness and unhappiness. This book teaches dog owners how to best set up their dogs to live a full and happy life.

    In the touching book, the sentimental author shows us how she thinks like an animal in that she pictures words not as letters but in pictures and thus can relate to dogs on their level. It is intriguing and awe inspiring to read how she looks at the world and learns how she believes we should relate to our dogs. It is a fascinating read full of insight and great tips on how to keep your dog a happy one. Anyone who loves dogs will enjoy this book thoroughly. There isn’t a book like it anywhere that’s for sure.  Read more…

    So congratulations to Temple Grandin.  I’m sure this Emmy will will expose her important work to many more people around the world.  See?  Hollywood ain’t so bad!  Here are a few more photos from the week:

    Great photobomb Cole!!  And I didn’t even have to use this:

  • A Teachable Cube

    Yesterday, fellow Xangan and comic book letterer extraordinaire, CJ, competed at the Discovery Science Center’s Rubik’s Cube speedcubing competition.  He won 4th place in the blindfolded competition, and achieved a 10 second solve during a practice round!  More importantly, he spent some time with my cousin Tommy, teaching him the basics of cubing.  CJ and Tommy first met two years ago, when Tommy proclaimed he was “the luckiest kid in the world”.  It was meeting my friend Tyson, and CJ at that competition that first got Tommy interested in solving the Rubik’s Cube.  Later that year he was present for the Guinness World Record for the most people solving a Rubik’s Cube in one place.  Yesterday, Tommy’s mom, Lisa, also paid attention, and with CJ’s help and some additional instructions he provided from, Lisa solved her cube 5 times today!  Congratulations to Lisa and thank you to CJ for being so patient and kind.

    CJ gives Tommy and Lisa some tips, then solves some cubes in under 15 seconds!

    Andy had a good time too, exploring the exhibits at the museum:

    Mountain Boy

    CJ also taught my dog Chazz how to solve the Rubik’s Cube last year.  Remember??

    That’s a lot of cubes!

    In the earthquake machine and outside the space shuttle

    A good time was had by all!

    Best of the rest…

    Maybe in a year or two, Tommy will be able to do this:

    Macky solves the Rubik’s Cube with one hand while juggling apples with the other:

  • All Dogs Do Not Go To Heaven

    A friend of the family sent me this the other day:

    “Despite the premise of the 1980s animated film series, “All Dogs Go to Heaven,” many fundamental Christians believe that their pets have no souls. When the end of days finally arrives and Jesus returns to earth to gather up his saints, all of the believers’ beloved cats and dogs will be left behind to starve and face the apocalypse alone. So, what is a devoted pet owner and firm believer in the Rapture to do? Hire an official blasphemer and card-carrying atheist, who has been thoroughly vetted as a profane sinner with no chance of salvation according to Mark 3:29, of course! A company called Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA has gathered a motley crew of about 100 reprobates in 22 states, who are also animal lovers, and will rescue pets abandoned after the Rapture for a small, non-refundable fee of $110.

    Eternal Earth-Bound Pets is the brainchild of Bart Centre, 61, a retired resident of New Hampshire, who apparently became bored working part-time at the local Home Depot and decided to try something different. Why not make a buck off of the crazy Christian fundamentalists waiting for the Rapture to occur? Centre’s sales pitch, inscribed on t-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers and the like says it all: “The next best thing to pet salvation in a post rapture world.”

    “If you love your pets,” says Centre, “I can’t understand how you could not consider this.”

    The Eternal Earth-Bound Pets Web site explains the simple premise of its post-rapture services:

    “You’ve committed your life to Jesus. You know you’re saved. But when the Rapture comes what’s to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind. We are a group of dedicated animal lovers, and atheists. Each Eternal Earth-Bound Pet representative is a confirmed atheist, and as such will still be here on Earth after you’ve received your reward. Our network of animal activists are committed to step in when you step up to Jesus.”

    Centre assures potential clients that he screens all pet rescuers to make sure they are indeed atheists and have no plans “to meet the Lord in the air” when the second coming arrives.”  Read more…


    Man!  I wish I would have thought of that!  It’s a perfect example making money off of fundamental Christianity run amok!  As the website states:

    “Once you pay your fee of $110, the rapture pet rescue contract is good for 10 years. If the rapture doesn’t come by that time, too bad. What if blasphemous loved ones are left behind and are able to care for the pets — Will they receive a refund? No. How long will it take for the atheist pet rescuers to arrive? Fluffy and Rocky will be rescued, as soon as possible, considering there will be widespread destruction and chaos”:

    “Naturally, we must anticipate that there will be widespread chaos and confusion immediately following the Rapture that could impact travel times. Thus, we are targeting a maximum of between 18- 24 hours from realization of the Rapture, to animal rescue.”  Read more…

    Love it!  And seeing how the current “Rapture Index” of 173 is close to the all time high of 182, time’s a ticking.  As a card carrying atheist heathen, I’m glad to know that Chazz and I will face the rapture hand in paw.

    This is a great piece on fundamentalism…Christianity has its flaws but at least I’m able to criticize the current criminal pope without fear of a fatwa!

    UPDATE:  The creator and co-owner of the website  “Eternal Earth-Bound Pets” that I refer to here, just wrote me with the following comments regarding the article I quoted.  I had a discussion with some Facebook friends about whether the company has actually collected revenue for their services, and Mr. Centre has confirmed that fact.  A true Atheist American success story!


    Thank you for your discussion of my post rapture pet rescue business.

    Just to correct two small errors:

    1)  We do not have “a motley crew of about 100 reprobates” rescuers in 22 states.  At the time the article was written we hat 26 rescuers in 22 states, and one-hundred paying rapture believing clients.  As of this writing, we have added 3 additional rescuers and have just under 200 clients under contract for our post rapture pet rescue service.

     2)  As for being “motley” and/ or “reprobates,” actually all our rescuers are gainfully employed, have families, love pets, and have no criminal record per our criminal back ground checks.  All are financially solvent as confirmed by credit checks also conducted on all our rescuers.

    Yours in reason,

    Bart Centre

    creator / co-owner -  Eternal Earth-Bound Pets

    author-  The Atheist Camel Chronicles: Debate Themes and Arguments for the Non-Believer

    Speaking of heathens…I went to church yesterday!  No, it wasn’t to pay my respects to a cosmic Jewish zombie, and no I didn’t burst into flames upon entry.  I went for Tressa’s First Communion.  I was there to support her and her family who I love very much.  As I’ve stated in this space before, going to church does bring back some fond memories of the more ritualistic things I actually used to enjoy about Catholicism.  (I was never molested by a priest…guess I wasn’t cute enough.)  A few times yesterday, I found myself reciting rote responses from memory and my cousin leaned over and said “It never quite leaves you, does it?”  How true!  (Though I must admit, I felt a little queasy when they asked us to pray for the current Pedo Pusher Pope.  In my opinion that slimeball should rot in jail!)  At any rate, it was a beautiful day and Tressa looked so pretty!  She had a really great time, as the photos in the slideshow below should attest; and in the end that’s what’s most important!

    Sorry, couldn’t resist…WARNING, you won’t be able to un-see this!
    Would You Die For Your Faith?
    America’s # 1 in Bibles. #37 in Infant Mortality

  • Eating Worms and Spitting Out Germs

    As I was packing today for a trip to my childhood home of Chicago, I came across a poem I had written as a child of 7, in 1972.  It was in the same suitcase I stuffed it in when I last found it two years ago.  (I’m such a packrat!)  It’s good to know that my poetry hasn’t improved much in all these years.  (Exhibits:  A, B, C, D, E, F)

    Toot toot indeed!

    It was a busy week at The Hotel Careyfornia.  I was dog sitting Roxy all week, and she garnered a lot of attention in West Hollywood!  A pregnant Christine, with her husband Drew and cutie pie Lance checked in on Friday.  We had a wonderful visit.  On Wednesday, we had a mini Xanga/Tumblr meetup with Sion, Jimmy, Brian & Jedd.  It was fun hanging out with all of them.  On Tuesday, Mica and I went to a free screening of a film called “Mother & Child“, starring Samuel L. Jackson, Naomi Watts and Annette Benning.  It was a really powerful film, and I highly recommend it when it opens in May.  Samuel L. Jackson showed up for a Q&A afterward.  Oddly, he didn’t remember me from the Vanity Fair party on Oscar Night.  LOL.  Thursday, Lisa and I took the boys for an earth day dinner at Dove Canyon.  When I asked Andy and Tommy about what Earth Day was, this was their response:

    No mention of eating worms!

    Some photos from the week:

    Mica fell in love with Roxy, and I thought she might dognap her before Dar & Gary returned from their honeymoon last night!

    Mother & Child screening with Sam Jackson at the LA Film Institute

    Xanga Ramen Night!  More photos here..

    With Tommy in Dove Canyon

    Burger night

    I like cherries!

    The last time Drew & Christine were here, Lance had just been conceived.  Who knows what will happen this time?

    Bottle brushes!

    At the Pacific Design Center, before we were asked not to take pictures.  So stupid.

    Our favorite breakfast spot

    Lance & Roxy squared

    Come back soon with your new baby brother Lance!

    Best of the rest…and more photos from the week here

  • I Married My First Cousin!

    OK, let me rephrase that.  I officiated a wedding ceremony for my first cousin yesterday. 

    The event went off without a hitch, save for me forgetting the exchange of the rings before I pronounced them husband and wife.  Minor detail.  Since I was busy performing the ceremony, there’s no viral video of the event.  (I’m usually the one video recording and snapping photos at family events.  I did threaten to attach a “preacher cam” around my neck prior to the ceremony, but in the end opted for decorum.  LOL.) 

    The wedding was at Heisler Park in Laguna Beach and the whole thing took about 5 minutes.  I was warned to keep it short, as I have a tendency to be loquacious.  Even so, I did manage to work in a slight jab at Sarah Palin, by explaining to the assembled guests that because of the groom’s upper Midwest vernacular, if he said “You betcha” instead of “I do“, it was NOT a nod to Caribou Barbie.  I also managed to give Apple some free advertising by pulling out my iPod Touch for the official part of the ceremony, joking “There’s an app for that” and hoping apple would give me a free iPad once they got wind of iVows. 

    I also threatened to sing “A Whole New World” from Aladdin…in Italian and quoted from “Rent” and La Boheme.  The reception was on Lake Mission Viejo and afterward the newlyweds checked into The Hotel Careyfornia for a 2 hour nap before their 5 AM flight to Cancun.  Today everyone is resting after a whirlwind few days.  I’m readying for the next wave of guests next weekend and then I’m off to Chicago for a week.  Congratulations to Darlene & Gary!  Thanks for asking me to marry you!

    Apologies to Clement C. Moore:

    The “favorite cousin” joke started with this trip to the same beach a few years ago.

    Some photos from the weekend:

    Friday night family party

    Tommy showing off his dance moves

    Me, filling out the marriage certificate

    Leaving for the beach

    The bride exalting in my Sarah Palin joke!

    Tommy, Cole, Darlene & Athena

    By the power vested in me…

    With Rebecca

    The kids loved the  limo

    With the blushing bride at the reception

    The fun table

    Cousins, aunts and Grandma

    Oreo, Shadow and Roxy were pooped

    The Honeymoon Suite of the world famous Hotel Careyfornia

    More Pre-Wedding Photos

    More Wedding Photos


  • A Man’s Gotta Do What A Man’s Gotta Do

    Apologies to Clement C. Moore:


    It’s amazing how much the kids have changed from just last EasterChazz however, hasn’t changed much.  He’s still as rambunctious as ever.  Though I’m pleased to inform you that the reports of the Easter Bunny’s death, have been greatly exaggerated:

    We had a nice weekend.  Andy climbed his first tree on Friday and in the process created the title of this blog entry:

    On Saturday we colored eggs and on Easter Sunday we hit Laguna Beach to scout the spot where I’ll be performing Darlene & Gary’s wedding ceremony in two weeks.  It’s a beautiful location!  Just after we left the beach, the earthquake struck.  Though it wasn’t The Great Quake of ’09, it was long and rolling.  I’ve never felt an earthquake while driving.  It was like going over hills even though it was flat.  I thought my transmission was dropping out!

    More weekend photos, here, here, here and here


  • Let The Sun Shine…In The Beginning

    I’m starting to get the hang of my new camera, and like it more each day.  Yesterday, we celebrated Colby’s 9th birthday at Knott’s Berry Farm (America’s first and oldest theme park) and the kids really had a great time.  This was my favorite shot of the day:

    For a full screen version, click hereEven though Colby wasn’t smiling, I didn’t use this. LOL

    I didn’t do anything special…just waited for the light to be right, and used a manual setting at 1/60 of a second, 200 ISO, F 2.8, average white balance, and Canon’s vivid color setting.  I’m admittedly still leaning how to use some of the touch screen’s focus and balance features.  I haven’t even played with the blink detection yet, though it seems like more of a gimmick; along with the smile detection.  I wonder if they will ever add any of these features??


    By the way, this was my first camera ever.  I got it from my aunt when I was 8 years old in 1973.  It cost $9.95, and I still have it.  I don’t remember what film and flash bulbs cost back then…not to mention developing.  I’ll have to dig out some of the photos I took with this camera and show you guys some time.  They weren’t bad!


    I’ll have a lot more practice later this week, as we’re having another mini-GLY reunionSabine is flying in from Germany and Marcelo and Emily and Vonda & Nate are coming down, along with a few other surprises.  Should be a very busy visit, but we’re all looking forward to it.  Here are a few more photos from yesterday.  Enjoy!

    I got soaked on the log ride!

    Tommy went on his first big roller coaster and wasn’t too sure at first; but he eventually loved it, as did his friends!

    Snoopy, Colby & Carey

    The birthday boy

    6 boys and 1 tomboy

    The money shot

    More of Shane’s crazy California hair

    Taking the birthday train

    More fun shots

    Best of the rest of the 172 photos!