
  • Longing for a Blow Job

    Even though I’m an atheist, I’m inclined to agree with the postulate that everyone likes presents, Santa, peace on earth and all the things that come with Christmas and the holiday season.  I mean, what’s not to like?  That said, it’s hard to get into the Christmas spirit here in California when it’s 80° F (27° C) and sunny.  It’s also hard to be optimistic with our country in such a state of shambles; thanks in large part to greedy Republicans and an inherited deficit too big to imagine.  I was reminiscing with friends recently about the first Christmas I spent in Africa twelve years ago this week.  It’s easy to forget that twelve years ago, Bill Clinton was in the midst of an impeachment trial over lying about oral sex.  Despite that theatrical absurdity, our  economy was strong and unemployment was at 4%.  I was struck by the fact that twelve years ago, everyone I met in Africa thought the whole charade was ridiculous.  Of course, Bill Clinton sailed through his impeachment, and 12 years later, he’s still in the White House taking charge.  I was reminded of that fact when I watched President Obama introduce President Clinton during his press conference last week.  Claudio and I were talking about it, and he had mixed emotions seeing Bill Clinton handling the room like always.  He thought it was the most telling political picture of the past two years.  I don’t necessarily agree with that; but it did produce strong and mixed emotions.  Bringing Clinton into the White House was a good move for President Obama.  Bringing him to the podium was a risky move.  Leaving him to go “tend to Michelle” was a horrible move!  (Click the link, it’s hilarious!)  But it sure made for great political theater and a lot of nostalgia.  Especially as Bernie Sanders was filibustering across the mall.  THAT to me, was the contrast.  Now if the president could just find some of Bernie’s zeal.  (Though I thought he did a mostly good job at his press conference the other day, save for the hostage analogy which The Daily Show skewered so well!).  I wish the President well.  He’s in an extremely unenviable position.  In the words of Robert Reich, “I urge congressional Democrats to remember the larger principles — not in order to be purist or make the perfect the enemy of the better, but to move toward an economy and a society that we believe in, that reflects the needs of the vast majority of Americans at this difficult time.”  How I long for the days where all we had to worry about was a blow job in the Oval Office!  That said, here’s how we tried to get into the Christmas spirit here in California this week:

    Our Christmas Card, LOL

    Chazz and Rio have become inseparable and sometimes hard to tell apart!

    Andy, Tommy, Ryan, Chazz & Rio (and me)…Ho Ho Ho

    More photos here…

    Winter sunset from my front yard

    Neon art on Santa Monica Blvd.

    The Beatles at sunset

    As the sun goes down over Santa Monica Blvd.

    More photos here…

    Last night we had second row seat for West Side Story at the Pantages!  Thanks Julia!

    One of the great old Hollywood theaters, the Pantages.

    More photos here…

  • Why Do I Bother?

    I’ve always joked with my family & friends that when I die, I want my tombstone to read: “Why Did I Bother”?  Let’s face it, I’m a narcissistic blogger.  Aren’t we all to some extent?  As someone who pours their heart and soul into social media, I appreciate the ego boost that comes from comments and “Likes”.   I enjoy sharing my photos, stories and views with the world, and that’s why I’m here.  I’m admittedly insecure, and thrive on the constant validation that comes from social networking.  I think I live a fairly eventful life, but I do know that the majority of people could probably care less when I run into OctoMom and her 14 kids out for a milkshake (as I did last week), or post a video of Chazz (America’s Cutest Dog) getting dive bombed by a bird.  For those of you who do indulge me, I remain your humble servant.  As an avowed atheist, I don’t really care what happens to me after I die.  I will donate my body to science (if they want it) and that will be that.  Recently though, I heard about this:

    What better way to ensure all my sunset photos live on, even after I’m sunset?  Does Xanga have a death policy for Premium members?  Facebook allows accounts to be “memorialized” when people die.  I wonder what will happen to my tens of thousands of photos on Picasa and other sites when I die?  Speaking of death, I snapped this photo of a bumper sticker on a hearse last week, while driving Laura & Katie on a tour of Hollywood:

    It Could Be Worse…You’re Not in a Hearse!

    I guess if you do decide to be buried when you die, it would be good to have a sense of humor.  My friend Doug took this photo at the Lake Oswego Pioneer Cemetery (not far from the Linus Pauling plot) outside of Portland, OR:

    Care to trade places?

    Speaking of sunsets…there were some pretty ones this past week.  Also, aside from the previously mentioned OctoMom experience (which was surreal) and hosting Laura & Katie; I watched Daniel take 5th place in the CalTech Fall 2010 Rubik’s Cube Tournament, and secure his Top 100 World Ranking for one handed Rubik’s Cube Solving!  Congratulations Daniel!  Here are some photos from the week:

    Sunset from the roof of The Hotel Careyfornia

    Sunset from CalTech in Pasadena last Saturday.  More here…

    I taught him everything he knows…as I attest to in the video below

    How to solve a Rubik’s Cube in 12.72 seconds.  He can do it one handed too in 21 seconds!

    They even had people solving Rubik’s Cubes with their feet!  More here…

    A rose is but a rose…with a fisheye lens and focal b&w

    I was talking with JC outside the hardware store, when a huge bus pulls up…

    The paparazzi swarmed.  Elmo got out first, then OctoMom to pose for pictures…then all 14 of her kids.  It was a sad spectacle to behold, watching her exploit her kids. I guess she has to make money though.  A few of the paparazzi were yelling HORRIBLE things to her…even when the kids came out of the bus. I felt so bad for the older kids, who I’m sure were aware of what was being yelled. The young ones just seemed shell shocked. What a surreal experience.  More here…

    Laura and Katie showed up at The Hotel Careyfornia for a quick visit and a tour of Hollywood More here…

  • Sorry for the Woody in my Pants Officer!

    To explain how the week ended with me in the back of a police car, we have to back up to the beginning.  It was another busy week at The Hotel Careyfornia.  Mike was in town on yet another stop on his trip around the world.  Darlene came home from her summer in Michigan with fresh pasties.  I took Arielle to the pumpkin patch, which has become somewhat of a tradition.  The night before Halloween was spent at Griffith Park Observatory with Sam & Charlotte.  It was an unusually clear day in Los Angeles and as the sun set into the Pacific, Halloween was upon us.  As I wondered  how I could top my outfit 2 years ago, when Sarah Palin was running for vice president and I was a moose in a bulletproof vest; and last year, when I was Balloon Boy’s dad, taking pictures with all the cute Balloon Boys; it struck me.  This year I would take the conservative route, and dress as a nice, Midwestern, pedophile priest!  It was a lot of fun.  Surprisingly, no one was offended by my costume.  Even the (real) cops asked to take my picture.  The best costume of the night for me was the BP Oil Spill.  There were lots of Chilean miners and Snookies and of course standard Lady GaGa fare.  Let the fun begin:

    I had never been in the back of a police car before…it was REALLY uncomfortable!

    Bless me father for I have sinned!

    No trick or treating, but there was plenty of eye candy…tricks and treats!

    I got to hang out with a lot of other priests, nuns and popes…even  Jesus and the devil!

    Even the kids graced Santa Monica Blvd with 150,000 other revelers.

    The dogs got in on the act too!

    Jad and I even had a Xanga meetup!

    Best of the rest…

    A cousinly Halloween

    Welcome Home Darlene!  More here…

    Mr. Bone’s with Arielle – the Pumpkin Patch to the starsMore here…

    A gorgeous night at Griffith Park.  More here…

    Mike enjoyed his stay at The H.C.  More here…

  • His Name is Rio…

    His name is Rio and he’s such a scrappy pup.
    Found wandering the streets and now life’s looking up.
    And when he eats, he really gobbles like a hog.
    Best friends with Chazz now; Rio such a lucky dog.

    (Sung to the tune of Rio with apologies to Duran Duran)

    We got Chazz a brother on Saturday!  Mike and I picked him up from the vet’s office after the shelter sent him there to be neutered. (No, we didn’t get him neuticals!)  The minute Rio met Chazz, they were fast friends. Sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart, save for the ears!  He was emaciated and filthy, with some hair missing, but he had such amazing energy.  Even after just having the “snip snip” (as required by law with shelter adoptions), he ran around with Chazz like he knew about his new lease on life.  As the dogs exhausted each other, Claudio grilled up a traditional Brazilian barbecue and the sun set into the Pacific.  Welcome to the family Rio!

    Our first photo…love the dog biscuit in his mouth!

    Ryan, Chazz & Rio

    A toast to our new family member!

    Don’t they look like brothers?

    Finally getting tired

    Brazilian Barbecue!

    Sunset from the roof

    Best of the rest…click here

    Thursday night at The Irvine Spectrum.  More here…

    I also got my new glasses this week.  But everyone in the family looks better in them than me….even Grandma!

    Thursday Family Dinner

  • The Terrible Twos

    It was Chazz’s second birthday on Friday, and he celebrated in grand style.  Payton & Taylor were nice enough to send him a new “diamond” collar and doggy sunglasses.  LOL:

    Claudio helping Chazz open his birthday presents

    Thank you Payton, Taylor, Maureen, Pepper & Wrigley!

    We had a photoshoot up in the Hollywood Hills and he even got a doggy cupcake.  Over the weekend we saw “The Social Network” (loved it) and enjoyed the cooler weather after last week’s record heat wave courtesy of she devil Sarah Palin.  Speaking of the weather, the heat brought some amazing clouds last week, and even a couple of rainbows.  Below is a video from my roof and the rest of the week’s photos:

    Set to the song “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds

    More here…

    More here…

    Tommy & Andy

    Taken from my sunroof.  More here…

    From my rooftop Tuesday night.  More here…

    Chazz in the hood!

    Hooray for Hollywood!  More here…

    Ryan & Chazz

    Chazz and Anjali…More here…

    Happy Birthday Chazz!!

  • A Star is Born!

    Recently, I received the following email message from the good folks at the Animal Planet channel:

    Gmail Carey Anthony

    Americas Cutest Dog sent you a message: Animal Planet is interested in your videos for television!
    1 messages

    From: YouTube Service Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 8:25 AM
    To: CareyGLY


    americascutestdog has sent you a message:

    Animal Planet is interested in your video for television!
    Julie Cresswell here, with Animal Planet’s television show, “America’s Cutest Dog.” A team of us are currently searching for the cutest dog videos worldwide to air on our second special. I came across the following videos during my search and absolutely loved them .

  • Death of the Easter Bunny:
  • Chazz Coke:
  • Dive Dive Birdie:
  • Chazz & Daisy:
  • Chazz at the Beach:
  • Andy & Chazz’s Nature Hike:
  • CJ Teaches Chazz the Rubik’s Cube:
  • Chazz & Brockton:

  • Your videos are really amazing, and perfect for our show.

    I wanted to reach out and see if you would be interested in submitting your video for “America’s Cutest Dog II”. Maybe you have other clips too! Submitting is easy, and can be done online in just a few minutes. Our show will feature the best videos of dogs and puppies doing the most amazing, hilarious and just plain adorable things, and we’d love to have your clips in the line up.

    If interested, please email my Production Assistant Heather Scudellari at with the information below.
    1. Please title your email ‘America’s Cutest Dog II’ (Attn: Heather)
    2. Please include:
    • Your full name
    • The name of the video(s)
    • The web link(s) of each video
    • Your dog’s name
    • Whether or not you own the rights to the video

    We will reply to your email with instructions on how to upload your video to our server.
    Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Julie Cresswell

    This wasn’t Chazz’s first brush with fame.  Last year at the dog park he was approached by an agent who wanted him to come in for a screen test, LOL:

    It never panned out because Chazz wanted Lassie’s salary…not Rin Tin Tin’s! 
    They probably didn’t know that Chazz was already very close with Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black.

    Here now, for your viewing pleasure, are the videos you may be seeing on TV soon!

    Chazz certainly loves adventure!  He’s had a busy life

    Here are some photos from the past few days.  Have a good week everyone!

    Xangalebrity Chris, aka Cakalusa, paid a visit to The Hotel Careyfornia and even got to meet ElvisMore here…

    Din Tai Fung with Jon!  More here…

    Thursday Family Dinner!  More here…

    Another exciting edition of Clouds & Sunsets From My Sunroof!  More here…

    Dinner with Dennis at Phil’s new restaurant in West Hollywood, UnPhoGettable!  More here…

  • Life on the 45

    Thanks to everyone who made my 45th birthday yesterday, so special.  The festivities actually started Thursday night when I had dinner with my family and then drove up to Oxnard to celebrate Claudio’s birthday.  This is our 20th year celebrating our birthdays together.  Last year I made him sit through the Rodger’s & Hammerstein retrospective at the Hollywood Bowl on my birthday.  This year, we celebrated in Santa Barbara on Friday and had a big Brazilian barbecue on Saturday.  The parties continued through yesterday, and I must say I am exhausted…and so is Chazz and his friend Blanca:

    Of all the many birthday greetings I received on facebook and on cards and emails, a few really stood out:

    This one referenced, one of my favorite songs, “Brimful of Asha” by Cornershop.

    There’s a good breakdown of the lyrics here and a short documentary here; but basically, “on the 45″ refers to old fashioned record albums that played records at 45 rpm instead of the standard 33 rpm (rotations per minute).  A life on the 45 may be faster paced and generally more exciting??  That’s what I’ll go with anyway!  I’ve always loved the song…and now I’m 45 years old.  So bring it on life!  Here are more photos from the weekend:

    Celebrating with Andy & Tommy!

    Beautiful Santa Barbara, CA

    The Santa Barbara Farmer’s Market

    The dogs had a blast!

    Ryan & Eva

    The Gang

    Claudio the grill master

    A Bavarian Bretzel with Nutella!  Nom nom!

    Dinner with Meghan, Roberto, their new baby Daniela, Eva, Bassam, & Ken

    Ryan framed some of my Chazz photos!

    Here are the best of the rest:

  • The Naked Ape in a Cesspool

    I was in Orlando last week on business and was reminded again what a cesspool it is.  On the plane ride out I re-read the book, “The Naked Ape”, and even though it was first published in 1969, it’s amazing how relevant it still is. 

    “A startling view of man, stripped of the facade we try so hard to hide behind.”  In view of man’s awesome creativity and resourcefulness, we may be inclined to regard him as descended from the angels, yet, in his brilliant study, Desmond Morris reminds us that man is relative to the apes–is in fact, the greatest primate of all.  With knowledge gleaned from primate ethnology, zoologist Morris examines sex, child-rearing, exploratory habits, fighting, feeding, and much more to establish our surprising bonds to the animal kingdom and add substance to the discussion that has provoked controversy and debate the world over. Natural History Magazine praised The Naked Ape as “stimulating . . . thought-provoking . . . [Morris] has introduced some novel and challenging ideas and speculations.” “He minces no words,” said Harper’s.  ”He lets off nothing in our basic relation to the animal kingdom to which we belong. . . He is always specific, startling, but logical.”  Source:

    On the flight home, I read a short little book called “Between Barack and a Hard Place – Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama“.  The first half of the book was a little too heavy on statistics, but overall it was a relevant voice of reason, especially in light of all the Muslim nonsense.

    Even though I was only in Florida, the wackiest of purple states, for a few days; the political ads for today’s primaries were disgusting.  Luckily I was surrounded by a bunch of good friends from Portland who were mostly of the same political persuasion.  We discussed at length, this research from Social Psychology Quarterly:

    Higher intelligence is associated with liberal political ideology, atheism, and men’s (but not women’s) preference for sexual exclusivity

    More intelligent people are significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

    The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, advances a new theory to explain why people form particular preferences and values. The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years.”

    “Evolutionarily novel” preferences and values are those that humans are not biologically designed to have and our ancestors probably did not possess. In contrast, those that our ancestors had for millions of years are “evolutionarily familiar.”

    “General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions,” says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. “As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles.” 

    An earlier study by Kanazawa found that more intelligent individuals were more nocturnal, waking up and staying up later than less intelligent individuals. Because our ancestors lacked artificial light, they tended to wake up shortly before dawn and go to sleep shortly after dusk. Being nocturnal is evolutionarily novel.

    In the current study, Kanazawa argues that humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.  Read More…

    I was pleased how nicely this all tied in with my choice of reading material for the trip.  I came back to the liberal wasteland of Hollywood, content in the fact that I’m smarter and more evolutionarily advanced that the simpletons in Florida who gave us George W. Bush.  The one good thing I can say about Orlando, is that they have pretty clouds!  Too bad there’s no heaven!

    I guess Disney World isn’t the “Happiest Place on Earth” for dragonflies, as I found this one dead on my bed! 
    I wonder if his dreams came true?? For a few more photos, click here.

  • A Crude Comparison

    Really Sarah???

    Exactly 20 years ago, one of my favorite bands Midnight Oil; played a half hour concert in front of the Exxon building in New York City:

    “Performing on a flatbed truck beneath a banner declaring “Midnight Oil makes you dance, Exxon oil makes us sick,” the ever-politicized Australian band delivered an inspired set protesting the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  You can watch the entire 30-minute performance, along with interview footage, here.”  For those who may not remember, the Exxon Valdez dumped some 11 million gallons of oil in six hours, just a few miles from the Alaskan shore. (Had Sarah Palin been there, she would no doubt have seen Russia reflected off its shiny black surface.)  While other causes were initially blamed, the Valdez disaster was primarily caused by Exxon’s cost-cutting negligence in regard to the ship’s radar. Already downgraded in the ’80s, it had eventually broken down entirely, and the company decided to save money by not fixing it.  Fast-forward two decades to the current Gulf oil spill, which had executives from BP, Transocean and Halliburton shifting the blame back and forth during this month’s Senate hearings.  Ironically, Dick Cheney’s Halliburton is intimately involved in both the current spill and our two current wars. Something worth remembering this Memorial Day.  “We’re a small screaming voice,” says Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett toward the documentary’s end. “But we’ll keep speaking. If they don’t listen now, someone will be listening tomorrow.”  We can only hope.”  Source: CS Independent.

    Who’s going to save us?

    And 40 years ago, the oil spill that spawned the modern environment movement, happened right here on the coast of Santa Barbara, where we visited this weekend.  As reported by the Sydney Morning Herald:

    For it was another undersea oil well that 40 years ago spawned the modern day, highly effective environmental movement on the US West Coast and the core of US government environment protection policy.  Compared with the volume of oil spewing into the Gulf every day, what happened five miles off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, in January 1969, was minuscule. But its aftermath was vast.  An explosion of natural gas at Platform Alpha, operated by the Union Oil company, caused a blowout – releasing an undersea oil gusher. It would be 11 days before the blowout was brought under control. About 3 million gallons of oil escaped, much of into the pristine and ecologically diverse Santa Barbara channel waters, coating the nearby shoreline.

    The damage was enormous. About 4000 dead sea birds and large numbers of seals and dolphins fatally poisoned. The oil also killed innumerable fish and ruined kelp beds.  But then something unexpected happened; tens of thousands of people arrived to help with the clean-up. They laid out mountains of straw to soak up the oil, carted away tonnes of contaminated sand and gathered up the dead and injured wildlife. They were of all ages and affiliations, causing then president Richard Nixon to remark: “The Santa Barbara incident has frankly touched the conscience of the American people.”  The Santa Barbara spill fully awakened the West Coast environmental movement and led directly to the declaration of the first Earth Day in November, 1969, the founding of the US Environmental Defence Centre and the first university Environmental Studies Program. Offshore drilling was banned for the next 16 years – until the Reagan administration came to office.  Read more…

    It took Santa Barbara decades to recover.  We may not be so lucky this time…and poor BP, just wants their old life back!  Suffice it to say if Sarah Palin ever becomes president, the number of disasters like this would increase ten fold.  Speaking of Santa Barbara, here are my photos from this weekend.


    Best of the rest…

    I also almost bought an iPad this weekend, but I decided to wait until they could do this:

    I also took Chazz on a photoshoot recently, to showcase the beautiful flowers California constantly has blooming.  Enjoy the show: 

  • America’s Prettiest City

    It’s called “The City of Big Shoulders“, “The Windy City” and “Second City“, but I simply call Chicago, home.  I’ve always considered it the prettiest city in America. and Google apparently agrees with me; as my blog entry from my last visit home is the #1 Google hit for “Prettiest City in America“.  Unfortunately, even though I could make Chicago the “ugliest” city in America with a few keystrokes; Mayor Daley has yet to pay me for this awesome free advertising!!

    It was a whirlwind week.  I flew in Monday, snapping photos from the plane with my fisheye lens.  I took the train into the city in time for the “blue hour” capturing Michigan Avenue in all its tulip decked glory.  Tuesday and Wednesday I attended a business conference at the Hyatt Regency, then spent the night with Mike & Marc in their beautiful new condo across from the Sears Tower and the old Post Office over the Eisenhower Expressway.  Thursday I visited my dear aunt on the North Shore and ate like a king.  My fondest childhood memories are with my Aunty Gee Gee.  Friday I ventured out to the far western suburbs to see my mother and niece.  I also got to meet up with some old friends I haven’t seen in 20 years.  We had a wonderful visit and I flew home last night.  Here are some highlights from my trip to sweet home Chicago.

    Come on, oh baby don’t you wanna go
    Back to that same old place
    Sweet home Chicago?

    The views from dinner on the 95th floor of the Hancock and from Marc & Mike’s apartment across from the old Post Office

    Photos with my fisheye lens, make for a neat effect from the air

    More fun effects from the center of Michigan Ave with the Wrigley Building and the Tribune Tower in the background

    The Chicago River from the Michigan Ave. Bridge

    Chicago at night

    Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago!

    The view from the Signature Room on the 95th floor of the Hancock

    The obligatory shot in front of Kapoor’s, Cloud Gate, affectionately known as “The Bean”

    The Aon Center, which I knew as The Standard Oil Building as a kid

    Dinner with Marc & Mike near the University of Chicago, Circle Campus

    A reenactment of a photo I took of my aunt in 25 years ago in Colorado as shown below

    Carey & Aunty Gee Gee – Colorado 1985

    And here’s one from 1975 when I was 10

    My beautiful niece, Nicole

    Elburn, IL

    The field where Superman crashed to earth??

    The neighbor kids with my brother’s awesome dog, Cheyenne

    When I think of home
    I think of a place where there’s love overflowing
    I wish I was home
    I wish I was back there with the things I been knowing

    Wind that makes the tall trees bend into leaning
    Suddenly the snowflakes that fall have a meaning
    Sprinklin’ the scene, makes it all clean…